شنبه، مرداد ۱۰، ۱۳۸۳


Check this! I think its wonderful.


We have bought a townhome in Oakville, I wanted to send MAMAN-o-BABA its plan, but I haven't yet.
For the time being you can see the website, and wait for my letter. The townhoses are beside the pond.
You can't find our home's plan. I promise to send you the plan. I hope next year you would be here and help us for moving.


When I was in Iran and we were playing card I used to save all my aces for rainy day, and once in a while we (Payman and I) lost the game just because I didn' dare to show my aces. Do you remember?
Now I do the same thing with my meatballs, I cook meatballs and freeze them for the day that we won't have anything to eat, but when an out of food day comes, we sleep hungry but don't eat the meatballs, cause they are for rainy days.


Please somebody take these guys (Yassaman, Nima, Helen, Armaghan and Ali) to Shahr-e-Bazi. I feel bad that I can' do it myself.


Today I went to watch Caribana's parade. It's a festival of Carabian music and dance that is held every year in Toronto. Carabian countreis are south american countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Cuba and ...
I left home to go there, but there was a long line for buses, so I changed my mind and went to lakeshore. There was some other shows, people were dancing Samba and Salsa. That was grate.

Then I walked almost 40 minutes to the Caribana festival. Payman Shorak had told me that it's a grate celeberation, sexy women dance in streets. But I didn't see anything exept very fat and ugly men and women with cheap costume who just moved their bot.
Payman I am not listening to your advise any more, I can't believe I spent 5 $ to see bunch of chubbies.

چهارشنبه، مرداد ۰۷، ۱۳۸۳


I am attending choir class, I have started 2 weeks ago. It's held by Iranian Association at University of Toronto. They intend to organize a choir goup for Iranian events (such as nowrooz, shab-e-yalda and...).
The class is on Tuesday nights (7 to 10). During the first 4 session we learn how to read the notes. In 5th session we have a written test and people who can pass the test will have a vioce test, then the teacher will decide who can stay in the group and who should leave the class. I really enjoy it, I had no idea about music nad how complicated it could be. Now, I respect Bethoven , Motzart and ... more, I know how great were them.
The teacher asked us to sing at home and be prepared for next session, I have not started yet, I am afraid of our neighbors. I can't look at their eyes in the elevator or street, but I have no other choice I have to start.

سه‌شنبه، مرداد ۰۶، ۱۳۸۳


I usually listen to B.B.C. while working. Yesterday there was a report about Zahra Kazemi and her trial. The court acquited the murderer, and the funny thing was what caused Kazemi's death. Iran justice system  has said Kazemi was not killed, she died accidentaly, she was on hunger strike so her blood sugar was low, then she fainted and her head hit a solid things. That's how she died.

I could make a better story.   


I forgot to tell u about the small band that we saw in street, after Jazz festival (on sunday) we were about to come back home, when heard a music from far. We looked around to find the source of music, guess what we found?, There they were, 3 10year old boys, standing in front of their home, playing music. One of them was playing drum, sitting in their home porch, and two others playing guitar in front of the home. People were standing in the street and watch them, they played confidently like a famous band. I think even rooling stone couldn't play as confident as them.
I wish I had my camera with me to take a shot. 

It's time to get a digital camera.

دوشنبه، مرداد ۰۵، ۱۳۸۳


I watched SPIDER MAN 2 on Saturday night. Although it isn't my type but I liked it very much, I think it's just because of  special effect and sound surrounding system in cinema. If I saw it at home it couldn't grasb me this much.


Today morning hadi drove me to the office. I should start working ar 8 o'clock, right now it's 7:45, so I have just a little time to write.
Yesterday we went to Beaches jazz festival. This festival was the 16th jazz festival that is held every July in Toronto. In 3 days 40 band sang on the stage. People were dancing in the park. It reminds me BABA's story about old fat women and men who wore hot pants and tanks . Yesterday, partners were dancing in the street, some of them were in their fifties and I could see layers of fat in their legs and bellies, but they didn't care. I really love these Canadian people, they don't care about their appearance, they want to have fun.
I was thinking of myself and these small happiness that were withheld from us. Small things like feeling wind in hair, walking on the wet grass with bare feet and living as nobody watch us.
There is some moment that I have a strange feeling, something that I have never had in my life, a relief that I have never experience. Just because of this moment I really enjoy living in this country.

شنبه، مرداد ۰۳، ۱۳۸۳


Evryone especialy Cia and Kaveh check this, or if u can't see the photo, check this, and go to July 20th's post.

This is the cafe', where Sam, Talaye, Hadi and I streched our legs for a few minutes. jealous?

I pray for a day we could go there all together. 


I talked to BABA last week, he told me he started internet surfing. I think he has found it interesting, it's nice that u can be connected to the world with just a double click. I wish MAMAN would learn "interneting" too.

So, here u are, MAMAN va BABA. Here, u can find something about my daily life. u are my motive.
I hope I would not quit writing here, like all other things that I have quit in my life.

I think it's time for quit quitting.