شنبه، مرداد ۱۰، ۱۳۸۳


Today I went to watch Caribana's parade. It's a festival of Carabian music and dance that is held every year in Toronto. Carabian countreis are south american countries such as Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Cuba and ...
I left home to go there, but there was a long line for buses, so I changed my mind and went to lakeshore. There was some other shows, people were dancing Samba and Salsa. That was grate.

Then I walked almost 40 minutes to the Caribana festival. Payman Shorak had told me that it's a grate celeberation, sexy women dance in streets. But I didn't see anything exept very fat and ugly men and women with cheap costume who just moved their bot.
Payman I am not listening to your advise any more, I can't believe I spent 5 $ to see bunch of chubbies.