Gay Bomb
I was listening to a show on radio about ig Nobel prize. It is an annual prize. The Ig Nobel Prizes are an humourous imitation of the Nobel Prize and are for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think."
The ignoble Peace Prize goes to US Air Force scientists who pondered a "Gay Bomb" which would make enemy soldiers irresistible to each other. It reminds me of a book, which I read when I was a child “Greenfinger Tistoo”. It was about a young boy, Tistoo, who had a power to turn everything to flower as soon as he touchs them.
There was a chapter about war between Tistoo’s country and their neighboring country. Tistoo’s father had an arm factory. The factory manufactured all the guns for the war and also some for export. Other countries bought these arms and sell it to the other country involved in the war.
One night Tistoo went to his father factory and touched everything and turned all the guns to flower. The day after, both sides of the war were throwing flower bouquet to each other. After a couple of hours both countries declared truce. I guess the Gay Bomb suppose to work with the same philosophy.
The ignoble Peace Prize goes to US Air Force scientists who pondered a "Gay Bomb" which would make enemy soldiers irresistible to each other. It reminds me of a book, which I read when I was a child “Greenfinger Tistoo”. It was about a young boy, Tistoo, who had a power to turn everything to flower as soon as he touchs them.
There was a chapter about war between Tistoo’s country and their neighboring country. Tistoo’s father had an arm factory. The factory manufactured all the guns for the war and also some for export. Other countries bought these arms and sell it to the other country involved in the war.
One night Tistoo went to his father factory and touched everything and turned all the guns to flower. The day after, both sides of the war were throwing flower bouquet to each other. After a couple of hours both countries declared truce. I guess the Gay Bomb suppose to work with the same philosophy.